
Aqua Sport Scuba Center

Regular price $0.75 Sale

These o-rings are the ones that you will need the most !

They consist of the tank o-ring that goes at the base of the valve to seal the valve to the tank. These I have called valve base tank o-rings. 

Yoke valve o-rings. You know the ones ! During your open water course, you are taught to check this o-ring and replace if it looks tattered. Pretty much everyone you have ever looked at, probably looks tattered !! Bring your own to save a dive !! You will find your standard black ones, brown viton and tough but odd white nylon ones. The white ones last much longer but are harder to put in and take out. 

SPG mini o-rings for your HP spindle 

Large DIN first stage o-rings. 

If you are looking for other size o-rings that are not listed here, I might have them in other places ! Fire me an email and I will help !